Monday, March 16, 2009

Team Assignment #1

Hey guys

So here is what Joy and I discussed, concluding which we agreed that
this would be the best way to go forward.

I am going to ask all of you, to install this project and attempt to
run it on your respective computers. Let me know if you have any
problems whatsoever.

In addition, to this, I will ask you to write a brief informal report
on this starter kit, on how it handles the basic administrative GUI
features, and how it stores information. The game itself is
IRRELEVANT. Do not waste time on that please, unless you are really

Our project structure, event handling, screen managemenet, thread
synchronization, delegate event handling controls will closely mimic

I would hope that you can submit this write up to me, by this
Thursday, so we can discuss it after class on Friday.



1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,

    I looked at the kit as Kanhar advised. Before I say anything about it I want to know what Mel and Vlad think.

    But it is fore sure that, we have tons of work to do. So we should start our work right now. So please look at the kit, at least download the project, run it and look at the source files, so that you can say your opinion about it.

    And Kanhar, I do not understand why do you say that the game itself is IRRELEVANT. My understanding is that most of the points for this project will come form the game part. Rest of the project will be formality as long as we fulfill the requirement. So if you think that’s IRRELEVANT because that’s the easy part, or its IRRELEVANT because we already have a working version of pong. Then fine. Why don’t you finish that “easy” part and let us take care the business app part. Next Wednesday we can sit and decide the input and output form game module to business app module. That way we will know what exactly we have to do and we can get to work without wasting time.

    Again Mel and Vlad please look at the starter kit and say your opinion.

