Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fwd: CSc 322: Design Doc Question

The team

Hey guys I may not be able to come tomorrow to class.

Vlad has responsibility of the Design document, so any questions about that should be referred to him.

Vlad this is an important of the grade (I think) so please make sure its finished



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joel Kemp <>
Date: Thu, May 14, 2009 at 2:30 PM
Subject: CSc 322: Design Doc Question
To: kanhar munshi <>, Tolu Abayomi <>, Tadeusz Jordan <>,, Jose Maldonado <>, "Sidney M." <>, Ming Cho <>

Hey Project Managers,

There has been a little confusion regarding the Design Doc revision. Basically, if you've received a good grade, you do not have to revise the document; however, you should still reprint the document and submit it tomorrow (for record-keeping). Each team should submit either a revised design doc, or a reprinted version of the originally submitted document. Let me know if you need further clarification.

See you tomorrow,
Joel Kemp


Monday, May 11, 2009


I expect all of you to email me immediately to confirm my emails, and your plan of action in how accomplishing whatever it is that I have given you

We dont have much time, and I almost never get any responses to my emails. I dont know why


Vlads Task


I have not got an update from you yet !?


Update and Mel's Task


I need you to test this Game and find bugs in it.

Document the bugs carefully, and email both Jay and me, for every bug you find.

Do not try to fix it, since then we will have multiple versions, and we cannot install source control right now. Too much complexity

The game is 99% finished.

I just completed Load | Save Functionality, and even went a step further by saving Paddle and Ball positions, along with the speed,scores etc

So we are in good shape....some fine tuning and a power point presentation later we should be ready to go

Here is the link:-


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Latest Code

This has the latest code which includes :-

1) Game History
2) Skill Level
3) Pay Bills
4) Bill Amount varies with Skill Level
5) Request Increase in Credit
6) Trial Version Limits you to 3 Game Tries
7) Obstacle | Quick Play set as Options (Using XNA Menu Screen)
8) Artificial Intelligence Enabled, with bugs removed.
9) SA can Modify / View Game History

Not Done:
Ability to Concede (Since we need two buttons one for player 1, and player 2 to concede)
Ability to Save Game
Internationalization Support
Final Report


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Paddle Physics: To be added to design doc or final report?

Hey guys, I think our implementation of paddle physics should go to design doc. Here it is.

Explanation: Our paddle is divided into three virtual parts. They are the edge, somewhat middle, and almost middle. The reflection angle of the ball depends on where in the paddle the ball hit. If the ball hit at edge then the reflected angle is greater than incident angle, If the ball hit at somewhat middle then the reflected angle is equal to incident angle, if it hit almost middle then the reflected angle is smaller than the incident angle. The speed of the ball also increase/ decrees along with the angle. Note that the entire paddle has 35% edge 50% somewhat middle and 15% almost middle region.

Mp3 in xna

Hey, Kanhar. I realize how big the file became. u know the title song alone is about 10MB. because its in WAV form. if it was mp3 it would be few kb. do u know how to play mp3 in xna?

Version 1.0.2 Compiled Integrated Code

This is the latest code, which integrates both the advanced version of Jay's component and all other features.

While it is still missing functionality, it is the first integrated version, hence the email.

Vlad, you should probably review the class structure, used in the project, and update accordingly the design document. Also, please confirm receipt of this email by a text message to me, and give me an expected time to review the design document before the class on Friday.

I need it to be done by 8 tonight, so the team can review it.

Mel and Jay, I need you to make a list of functionality that is missing in this version. So collaborate on this. I just emailed you the online Google Doc Bug Report document.

Jay, and I have used the code before, so its best probably that at this point that only we modify the code, since we dont have much time. I would encourage Mel and Vlad to also modify and improve the code after this Fridays demo, over the weekend, but for now its best to restrict editing to Jay and myself since we are intimate with the code base.

Any questions, please email me (AND CALL ME) for an immediate response.

I dont want to hear that you did not get my email or that I did not have reception...or that I misread the time of the meeting.

Code Link:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Response to Mel's Email


So here is my component of the Game, uploaded through SVN.

As you can tell its not completed, although the fundamentals are essentially done.

The heirarchy is simple, with Class User being the base, UserList, and Reglist, invoke objects of Type user in their Arraylists, and the XMLHelper automatically serializes them into XML using its load | Save methods.

Jay can at this point begin integrating his code with my code.

It is ESSENTIAL that we meet this Saturday morning at 10:00 in school.

I remember scheduling another meeting over spring break, which unfortunately I myself was late in attending, and as I found out later through Mel who did attend, that the NAC building was closed.

This time however, I've checked their schedule, they are indeed open, and we can meet in the library and continue development of the game, most importantly integrate the two components into one, and assign individual tasks.

I have used a subversion client to connect to Joel's SVN trunk located here

The username and passwords, he emailed to you.

I have not heard from Vlad about the task that I gave him.

so anyway we meet Saturday and we can discuss our progress there
